Go to "settings" go to "device" within their find "developer options" and turn on "adb debugging" and "apps from unknown sources"
· Go to "apps" and turn off "collect app usage data"
· Once you've completed that exit out of settings and move over to apps and select
Find and select productivity and find "es file explorer" download and open.
Find and select productivity and find "es file explorer" download and open.
· Once inside go to "favorite" and select "add" so this where you can access the web. The original path to download kodi was https://kodi.tv but the site doesn't allow to download from their site anymore. So, in path type in your standard search engine. I picked google like anyone else. For the name, anything you like to put. Then select ok to close the window.
· Your bookmark will be added, scroll down until you find the google bookmark and selected it. Once the google page loads up, to use the browser press right on your remote twice and down to enter in.
· Highlight and select the search bar and type "kodi 17 apk download" and choose carefully which link you pick because you can get a download directly or should work through a little to find one.
· Now once you have found a download of the apk select it and exit it out the browser by clicking to the left several times until your back to the es file menu. Scroll all the way down until you’re on "thumbnail" and move towards the right and select "more" in there select "open in Browser" and "es file downloader" to start your download.
· After the download has finished you have three options "cancel, market, install" you want to install. In another menu scroll down until you highlight "cancel" but you want to select "install" again.
· After installing open the app now inside kodi go to "settings(gear)" and "file manager" and select "add source". Now the source you’re going to add is https://dimitrology.com/repo and select enter after your done the name should automatically add "repo" and click "ok".
· Exit out until you get back to this main menu of kodi and go to "addons" and select "package(box)" go to "install from zip” which should stop you to enable unknown sources.
· Go back to "install from zip" and select "plugin.dimitv.zip" and wait for the dimitrology tv addon to appear. Go to program addons where dimitrology tv is located and select it.
· Now at this point use another device you need to get a code from their dimitrology website https://dimitrology.com/getcode/ which generate codes randomly.
· Going back to your firestick click on install/update and enter your generated code and click ok.
Back out and select "install/update" again.
Back out and select "install/update" again.
· Now you have the option to select which built you want to install on your firestick they all install the same way. Pick boom shakalaka and overwrite.
· Once done downloading and installed back out until your back at the main menu of kodi and head back to "settings" and "interface settings" change skin to "dimitrologyk" theme and have successfully installed boom shakalaka.